Pulled it together in about 20 minutes. Just testing.
Do you think it has potential as a place to hang out, chat, learn, share, pass the time?
9:00am-6:00pm M-F EST
Pulled it together in about 20 minutes. Just testing.
Do you think it has potential as a place to hang out, chat, learn, share, pass the time?
Tags: ning
This is the time of year we plan our Jeep Christmas / Holiday Card designs for the season. We have 6 designs going right now and last year we did a boxed set of all six of them.
This year we're debating on designs. I'd like to see a 4 door JK (I don't care if there's some folks who still say it isn't a "real jeep". Not true.) I've talked to more "newbie" Jeepers over the past year who came into the fold via the 4 door. Let's welcome them in. We've already done a Willys, Cherokee, and a bunch of Wranglers. What are your thoughts. What should our next holiday card be?
Tags: jeep christmas cards
/am absolutely thrilled with our new t-shirt design we just completed. It all started with a design we did two years ago, called "I'm an indigenous species"
Well, great concept but it never sold. After polling many a Jeeper, I've determined that 50% of our customer base has no idea what indigenous means.
1 : having originated in and being produced, growing, living, or occurring naturally in a particular region or environment <indigenous plants> <the indigenous culture> 2 : innate, inborn synonyms see native
So now you know, in case you didn't. In any case, out of that brilliant idea came the K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) version. Simply put...
Tags: native species
Tags: rubicon trail
We've gotten all sorts of entries for this contest but this one is so funny I had to post it. Enjoy.
"Hi There, Just couldn't decide which picture to send. We have 3 dogs who love to go jeeping, Annie, Petey and O.D.D. Annie and O.D.D. are rescue dogs that love any attention they can get. O.D.D. stands for Other Damn Dog, cause he was the last one we got and couldn't remember his name. He came with the name of Kibbles and we changed it to Kirby, but kept calling him Hoover (wrong vaccuum cleaner). We now just call him O.D. for short, but it causes some reactions in the vet's office when they come out and ask for Odd. People really look at us like we are odd. People also look at us a little strange when we are jeeping down the road with 3 dogs. We are done dragging home dogs now cause we can't fit anymore in the Jeep, however we do have 3 Jeeps, so if only one of those dogs could drive we could drag home a few more.
Summitted by Lois W
See the entire Jeep Photo Album here:
Tags: Jeep dogs, jeep photos
Today we got an email from a customer who just purchased a tire cover. She writes, "You guys rock!" (thank you Shannon) "This is a surprise for my sister, who just bought her first Jeep -- a Liberty, so she's not quite as cool as me and my Wrangler, but I'll get her there, ha ha". Unfortunately for Jeep Liberty owners, it's pretty standard thinking that while they are "Jeep people", their Jeep is not a "cool" Jeep. Now, I didn't say that I believe that, but many do. So here is my question for anyone that has an opinion.
Give me YOUR list of the 5 Coolest Jeeps in order from the absolute coolest on down. Any year, any model, any modification. Just post a reply to this blog. I'll give away a $20 All Things Jeep Gift Certificate to the list I think is the best. We'll play for a week and then I'll post a reply.
Tags: Cool Jeeps
For more great photos of Jeep dogs and a chance to enter your own Jeep dog in our Jeep Dogs Days of Summer Contest, visit our photo album here:
And if you remember reading "Go Dog Go" when you were a kid, didn't you just LOVE the page with the big dog party up in the tree? All the confetti and noise makers and cake and presents. It was my favorite page in my favorite book. Guess that's way I always have loved dogs. Because of that page!
Tags: Jeep dogs
Tags: shakespeare, einstein, contests
Well, we are off to a rousing start with our Jeep Dog Days of Summer Contest to find the TOP JEEP DOG of the Year!
Take a look here. (Also, if you tried to send a photo and it bounced back, please send it again. Our inbox got a bombarded with Jeep dog photos and maxed out. Sorry about that.) Jean
Why should our dogs get all the fun with our Dog Days of Summer Contest? Let the Humans Celebrate too with a 20% off Storewide Sale. It's happening now at It's over Friday night, July 18th. If you are on vacation and you miss it - we are sorry. Personally, I'd rather take a vacation so please don't be sad. You are on vacation!!! And don't worry, we'll do it again sometime soon.
By the way, here's the scoop on The Dog Days of Summer origin. Taken directly from Wikipedia (my favorite souce of info.)
The phrase Dog Days or "the dog days of summer", refers to the hottest, most sultry days of summer. They are a phenomenon of the northern hemisphere that usually falls between early July and early September but the actual dates vary greatly from region to region, depending on latitude and climate. Dog Days can also define a time period or event that is very hot or stagnant, or marked by dull lack of progress.
The term "Dog Days" was used by the Greeks (see, e.g., Aristotle's Physics, 199a2), as well as the ancient Romans (who called these days caniculares dies (days of the dogs)) after Sirius (the "Dog Star"), the brightest star in the heavens besides the Sun.
Popularly believed to be an evil time "when the seas boiled, wine turned sour, dogs grew mad, and all creatures became languid, causing to man burning fevers, hysterics, and phrensies" - Brady's Clavis Calendarium, 1813.
The Dog Days originally were the days when Sirius, the Dog Star, rose just before or at the same time as sunrise (heliacal rising), which is no longer true owing to precession of the equinoxes. The ancients sacrificed a brown dog at the beginning of the Dog Days to appease the rage of Sirius, believing that that star was the cause of the hot, sultry weather.
Stay cool. Jean
Tags: jeep sale
Worldwide Go Topless Day on May 3rd, 2008 was an international success. View our customer photo album, filled with topless Jeeps here.
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