If you've been around the blog for a while, you know that when we get some new Jeep shirts in stock, I like to offer them at 1/2 price to my blog readers. So here I go again.
To get these at 1/2 price, you need to order them on our website and enter in the discount code:
during checkout. It will deduct 50% off the price of the tees, making them $6-9 each. How cool is that?
Here are 4 new tees
New Jeep STAR Guy's tee: (just $9 with coupon code)

New Jeep little girls pink tee: (Just $6 with coupon code)

New Girls JEEP ATTITUDE Ringer Tee (Just $9 with coupon code)

New Girls Jeep Shooting Stars Ringer Tee (Just $9 with coupon code)

(These last 2 tees are Junior sizes - they are designed for the "youthful young women market"... in other words, fitted and tight and definitely never fitting me)
There you go. 50% off through Friday, okay? Discount code:
COOL-BLOG-READER . Use it at www.allthingsjeep.com on these tees. Have fun.