All Things Jeep Blog & Musings

Look at what's coming out - Jeep Thrills

Posted by Jean Wnuk on Thu, May 15, 2008 @ 12:04 PM

Take a look at what's in store for summertime.

JEEP THRILLS for the PS2 and Wii

Here's the synopsis, taken from the website:

"Off-road enthusiasts can get some Jeep Thrills in Destination Software's tribute to jeeps and Jeep culture. The game lets players race in 20 different jeeps, from the original WWII style know as the Willys MB, to more pavement-oriented jeeps like the Wrangler and the Compass, to sportier concept vehicles. Two players can race head-to-head on more than 30 different courses, including mountainous jungle rally races, and high-intensity, low-temperature sprints through the Arctic."

The Wrangler, a pavement-oriented Jeep? Who's doing their copywriting?

And Amazon's description is even funnier:

"JEEP the undisputed King of Off Road Adventure invites you to climb into the driver's seat and experience racing like never before! From the jungles of Central America to the frozen Alaskan tundra this is adventure racing like it ought to be! Jeep Thrills! And Everyone else? Gets left behind." Features:18 Customizable Jeep vehicles - including futuristic concept cars!35 intense tracks - with one main objective: Conquering the terrain and the elements and owning the planet!  Format: PS2 Genre"

I've never known any Jeep to leave other cars behind in racing. In fact, one of the funniest stickers I've ever seen said something like "Jeep - conquering the world 2 mile an hour at a time." Yup, that's about our speed out there in the woods.

It looks like a PS2 version will be released June 9th with a Wii version to follow. Definitely going to talk to the manufacturer to see if we can carry it here. Looks like a good time on a rainy day.

Tags: Jeep Thrills, Jeep PS2 Games, Jeep Wii Games

Winning Go Topless Day Photos

Posted by Jean Wnuk on Tue, May 13, 2008 @ 11:22 AM

We've picked our favorite photos everyone sent in from Go Topless Day.

Let me first say, they are all awesome! Thank you so much for playing along. It was so much fun and pretty heartwarming (if you want to get all touchy feely) that so many Jeep owners decided to join in the camaraderie of the day. We want to give all our customers a heartfelt thank you. Truly you are awesome!

So here are the winning entries (picked by us, simply because we loved them and they made us smile.) For the complete photo album of the day, check out


1. This is Josh and his 2001 TJ Sport in Othello, WA. Besides setting up a great shot of his Jeep against the scenery, he sucked up a little by making a poster and wearing one of our sweatshirts. AND, he looks like he had fun doing it. This is an awesome photo.

2. This is Michael P and his mystery date. What can you say about this photo. Both completely topless and completely G-rated. Just as we hoped. Wonder what they did  after the picture was snapped. (2005 Wrangler Unlimited, Petersburg, VA, but we know you don't care about that stuff)

3. When we began this contest we wondered if we'd see a Barbie Jeep in the mix. Heck, it was MY first Jeep (and I killed many of my brother's lesser capable rigs while driving it.) This is Aunt Amy and Charlie, driving their 2004 Wrangler Rocky Mountain Edition Jeep and 2008 Jeep Wrangler Barbie Edition, respectively. As we like to say, "A girl and her Jeep, it's a beautiful thing".


4. A family of Jeep Wrangler JKs. Life really must be good for Tiffany and her friend in Florence, KY. Made better yet when the hammocks are hooked up and you're relaxing along the side of a trail. She wrote us "Is there anything more fun than taking the top off a Jeep? I think not!!!" I think we agree.

5. Here's another photo taking advantage of cute kids. (Works every time.) These little guys were bribed with gummy bears and quarters into doing their job by Katrina. Sounds like it was hard work!

So each of the winners above will get a $50 Gift Certificate to All Things Jeep ( Thank you again. It is so much fun going through these photos.

There are a few "honorable mentions" we'd like to post here though 'cuz they are so good.

Michael M. in Chillicothe, OH was completely dedicated to the cause. He is a Jeeper that comes prepared! First we got the photo of his topless and doorless 2000 Wrangler Sport, prepared for the weather. And like any good Jeeper, he didn't let a little rain stop his fun. So there's the photo of him in his Jeep, his umbrella up, reading his newspaper dated May 3rd, 2008 - go topless day. You've got to admire his determination!

Our other honorable mention goes to Herman in Johannesburg, South Africa. Because of the time zones, Herman was the first person in the world (that we know of) to celebrate Worldwide Go Topless Day. We appreciate his support!

Thank you everyone for your posed pictures, your wheelin' pictures, your muddin' photos and your participation.

PS - We wouldn't be able to sleep at night if we didn't show you one last photo. It's the one that made me cry (no kidding!) I'm a softy and will cry at the Hallmark commercials, but come on, this photo just tugged at my heart. If you don't at least smile, you need to get out in the Jeep more.


Tags: "go topless day" "jeep photos"

Jeep Cakes / Jeep Cake Toppers

Posted by Jean Wnuk on Fri, May 09, 2008 @ 09:19 PM

It's springtime and love is in the air. Except for some unsuspecting brides, like this one, it's love of his Jeep! I couldn't resist. Kerry found this online today. I think it is simply the best Jeep Cake Topper ever! And truly a statement on some of our more obsessed Jeep friends!

If you made this, please let us know so we can give you credit!

Steve's Jeep Country Open House - May 31st, 2008

Posted by Jean Wnuk on Thu, May 08, 2008 @ 11:32 AM

Now that Go Topless Day is behind us, we didn't have anything to look forward to, until we got invited up to Steve's! Steve and Sean up at Steve's Jeep Country in NH are putting on a big event at the end of the month filled with activities for you AND your Jeep. I hear there will be a few rock piles, an RTI Ramp and a 40 foot mud hole! They've got a lot of land up there so there will also be some trails for you to ride.

Should be plenty of things to do and another excuse to take the Jeep out for the day. If you are in the MA / NH / VT area, mark your calendar for May 31st and check it out...

Steve's Jeep Country Open House May 31st

Tags: Steve's Jeep Country

I lost a bet on Go Topless Day

Posted by Jean Wnuk on Wed, May 07, 2008 @ 10:02 AM

I just paid up on a bet I lost. I bet Tim (a co-worker) that there wouldn't be any trailered rigs at our Go Topless Day. He said there would be. I guess I figured that for our first show, it would be more of the stock Jeeps (like what I drive) and less of the trail rigs. And that no one would go the extra mile to tow a trail rig. Boy, was I wrong. I should have remembered, we are Jeepers! And despite the fact that I lost $5.00, I am just very pleased that we got the turnout we did and that some Jeep folks were up for it enough to bring their tow rig and trailer and Jeep. Thanks guys!

We counted up our "admit one" ticket stubs and it looks like we had 93 Jeeps stop in to Lancaster, MA on May 3rd. (Including 3 Jeeps that came in on trailers!) Go have an extra snack at the lunch truck on me, Tim!

Tags: "go topless day"

Worldwide Go Topless Day PHOTOS

Posted by Jean Wnuk on Mon, May 05, 2008 @ 11:12 AM

Unbelievable response to Go Topless Day. Our inbox is full of photos from everyone that had a good time taking the top off their Jeeps and celebrating the sheer joy of a topless Jeep. I'd call it "unbridled enthusiasm" or absolute craziness. (You choose.) In any case, we'll be posting lots of photos over the next week and after that picking our top 5 favorite photos for the $50 Gift Certificates to

Our photo album has been started. Here it is:

Worldwide Go Topless Day Photo Album

If you view the album in "Gallery" mode, you can vote on your favorite photos by giving them a "thumbs up". Here's a sampling of the awesome photos you'll find inside the album.

Tags: "go topless day" "jeep photos"

Stupid Jeep Tricks

Posted by Jean Wnuk on Fri, May 02, 2008 @ 01:14 PM

A crazy Jeep store owner. A sawzall. An old XJ. Go Topless Day. Put it all together and what do you get?  You get a topless Jeep Cherokee, joining in the spirit of Go Topless Day. Sure, it's a stunt. But it sounds like a heck of a good stunt, so we'll do it!

It's at our Lancaster, MA Go Topless Day around 1:30ish PM tomorrow, Saturday May 3rd.

Tags: "go topless day", stupid jeep tricks

What happens in my garage stays in my garage

Posted by Jean Wnuk on Wed, Apr 30, 2008 @ 05:02 PM

Ok, I'll admit, I am one of those wives that tend to roll my eyes when my husband says he's heading to the garage for a few minutes. Because I KNOW that's "guy speak" for "I'll see in you a few hours, don't bother me." And frankly, I don't want to bother him and I don't want to know what's going on in there. I need to know where the compressor hose is so I can fill up bicycle tires for the kids. And I occassionally need to go in there for a screwdriver or a wrench to fix something in the house. But otherwise, I'm okay with it being his domicile.

I know that women who wrench their own Jeep are rolling their eyes at me now, and hopefully they won't think less of me or my business because I don't work on my Jeep. It's not that I can't do this, it's just that I like to do other things. I love doing art - photography, pottery, collage. And modifying your Jeep is another art form, creating a functional work of art. So I appreciate it. I just don't do it.

But back to the garage thing. We've got this awesome new garage sign in stock today. It's heavy-duty, like a street sign, and weighs a ton (actually just 4 lbs.) And it says, " What happens in my garage stays in my garage ". I know exactly who I'm buying it for!

Tags: garage sign, new Jeep products

Jeep Moms are the Best Moms

Posted by Jean Wnuk on Tue, Apr 29, 2008 @ 06:10 PM

I don't have a Jeep mom but I am now a Jeep Mom, and I just have to say, we are the best. Kinda adventurous, kinda spontaneous and always up for taking the top down and going out for an ice cream cone. Because in my book, topless Jeeps are made for rocks and cones.  (Hey, there's t-shirt idea waiting to happen!)

So, since Mother's Day IS coming up, we put together a little Mother's Day Free Gift Program for Jeep Moms at

Simply spend $60 on goodies for yourself, and pick out a gift for your Mom (or girlfriend, or daughter or yourself) for free. Choose from one of the following cute Jeep girl gifts. I chose them myself as some of my personal favorites so if the Jeep girl or mom in your life has my taste, you are golden!

Hope you like them. Hope you have a great upcoming Mother's Day.

And I'm be mad at myself if I didn't put in a plug for Go Topless Day. It's becoming huge. I think it may be the largest worldwide event for Jeep owners ever to exist. All ya gotta do to play is spend Saturday May 3rd outside in the Jeep with the top down (or windows unrolled if you are in a Liberty, Cherokee, etc.) and then send us a photo. See our Go Topless info here. I'm very excited. If you are reading this, please tell your Jeep friends about it. Thank you. 

Tags: Jeep Girls, Jeep Moms

Jeep Forum is taking over the Jeep World!

Posted by Jean Wnuk on Sun, Apr 27, 2008 @ 02:03 PM

Back when we were just into Jeeps, we came across this forum called We asked some questions, fellow Jeepers gave us some answers. We asked more questions, we were teased but our questions were still answered. And as more Jeep people found that forum, the forum grew. Today, they have over 140,000 members asking and answering questions, making fun of each other, sharing Jeep talk, hanging out online. Sheesh, some of the people seem to live on that site. Whenever I visit, they are online. (Guess it's a Jeep thing.)

Next, this same guy started up the JeepWiki for everything you need to know about Jeeps. I look here first when I get a question I can't answer.)

They also now have a product reviews section, a links page and a chat page.

(Now at this point I'm starting to think that the only sites I now need online are google, amazon and jeepforum - they have everything I need. Oh, and also, of course.)

In any case, just got an email from Keith, the owner of the site. He's put together JeepSpace, a place for guess who? People like us. It's like Jeep Heaven, his sites. So now we can spend more time posting Jeep photos, blogging about Jeeps, chatting with fellow Jeep owners, and doing all that other "social networking" type stuff online. Check it out. But my recommendation is this. Only visit after you've done your chores and homework for the day, 'cuz it's addicting.

Tags: Jeep Forum, Jeep Space, Jeep World