I am not getting a lot of work done at night this week. Between the Red Soxs trying to clinch the division, the Presidential debates, watching the falling stock market, looking at my bills with the rising costs of everything, the arguments with my daughter about who pays for her cell phone usage, my evenings are full! Ugh.
But on a positive note, our new employee Marc started today. He's our Operations / Warehouse Manager and will whip us all into shape. Under his guidance, we'll be even faster, better, more efficient, and have more fun. (Is that possible.) He isn't a Jeep guy. But he's a warehouse guy. And that's what we need right now. Maybe I'll interview him in an upcoming blog post. If you have questions you want me to ask him (as if he didn't get enough questions thrown at him during the interview process), post them here.
And BTW, I may have to have **TWO** Customers of the Week. With the many great responses, I already have enough to take me into the middle of 2009! So I am going to post them on Mondays and Thursdays I think.