I just added our 1000th Jeep Gift to our website. It's the Life is good License Plate Frame.
For you mathematician types, or sticklers for detail, or for all my competitors that read this blog, I don't mean another part for the Jeep, or another nut or bolt. I mean honest to goodness GIFT. As in, I'd like to receive this from my loved one for my birthday. So now I can offically say "1000s of Jeep Gifts for the Jeep and Off-Road enthusiast" and be fairly accurate. (actually, I guess I need to add another 2 or 3 to officially say that.) In any case, next week we should have about 40 new items on the site. They are VERY COOL and we've never carried them before, and I can't tell you what they are yet, but I'll just say, you'll want more than one. Stay tuned. I'll show them here as soon as they are in stock!