All Things Jeep Blog & Musings

Happy Valentine's Day, and Take Pictures

Posted by Angelo Lanham on Thu, Feb 14, 2013 @ 06:33 PM

JP Valentine resized 600
First of all, if you're at a loss for Jeep Valentine's Day ideas, please observe the above image, then follow this link to, from whence the image originates, so you can send the valentine to your sweetheart.

What a cool vintage image. Here's hoping you've gotten your ATJ Valentine's goodies, because today is the day. Remember, it's still not too late to order some of our cool VD (Valentine's Day ... where's your head?) stuff and then blame the Post Office for late delivery, and it definitely isn't too late to head over to the gas station and buy a rose from the guy outside with the bucket full of 'em.

All this mushy lovey dovey talk got me wondering just what it is all you Jeepsters are doing for Valentine's Day, and whether or not you take pictures. After combing the Internet, I found an alarming deficiency of photographic evidence that proves that Jeepsters have their own style of lovin'. Can you imagine a rugged Jeep owner handing over a chalky conversational heart candy that reads "B MINE?"

Neither can we. That's because you're not fourth graders, you're Jeepsters. So, whether you're expressing love for your Jeep itself or you're lucky enough to be paired with a fellow Jeepster who understands that off-road enthusiasm deserves a place in the Holiday of Love, snap a couple of pics and send 'em here. We'd certainly like to post them. If we get enough, we can have a Valentine's Photo contest or something.

So, if you're having an off-road Valentine's Day, good for you and take some pictures. Now if you'll excuse me, It's time for me to clock out and go buy some roses from the guy outside the gas station.

Tags: All Things Jeep, Valentine's Day, February, ATJ photo contest