All Things Jeep Blog & Musings

Jeep Foot Pegs aka the CVS

Posted by Jean Wnuk on Wed, Apr 29, 2009 @ 04:47 PM

Ahhh, yesterday it was 90 degrees here and driving around in the topless Jeep, I was wishing I was a dude. Dudes get to use the CVS, and they look cool. I'd just look plain stupid.

"OK, she ain't talking about the pharmacy, what the heck is she talking about?", you are wondering. I'm talking about Jeep Foot Pegs, aka CVS aka the Crotch Ventilation System.

Jeep Foot Pegs

When you take the doors off your Jeep, these Jeep Foot Pegs fit into the empty lower door hinge and give you a comfortable place to put your left foot. They fold back when not in use and a rubber pad protects your paint. We don't recommend them when 'wheelin' because we don't want you sticking body parts outside the Jeep and getting hurt. But for a casual Sunday drive, in 90 degree weather, with the doors off the Jeep and the breeze nowhere to be found, they'll keep the sweat down (if you know what I mean).

$50 will get you set, (one for you, one for your buddy riding shotgun) 2 different models available. Jeep Footpegs at


Tags: jeep accessories, jeep foot pegs

Keeping your Jeep Cargo Area Clean

Posted by Jean Wnuk on Wed, Feb 13, 2008 @ 11:02 PM

We recently discovered a product line that we rate two big thumbs up. It's the Jeep SUV cargo liners from Canvasback.

Like the duck its named after, water and dirt just rolls right off the Canvasback cargo liners. That's what the company told us, anyways, and sure enough, after our test drive. we agree. Nothing sticks to these liners. We have one in the back of our Cherokee. So far we'd put a muddy dog back there, and soaking wet sledding equipment and we look forward to putting flats of flowers back there this spring to test "ground in dirt". And so far, so good. Just shake it out or hose it off and it looks like new again.

The thing I like most about these liners is that they cover the cargo area and also go all the way up the back of the rear seats of the Jeep. This means no more dog hair all over the back of the seat (hard to vacuum that spot). 

I've got one complaint though. These are Jeep Cherokee, Grand Cherokee, Liberty and Commander cargo liners only. Nothing yet available for Wranglers. But we are talking with the company and they have one in the works for the JKs and will work backwards from there. Once those are available, we'll be keeping the JK cleaner too!


Tags: jeep accessories, jeep cargo mats

All Things Jeep Accessories!

Posted by Jean Wnuk on Tue, Nov 27, 2007 @ 10:30 AM

For the past 4 years All Things Jeep has been a unique online gift store for Jeep and off-road enthusiasts. With our selection of t-shirts, hats, decals, tire covers, etc., we've focused on the gift market and have become great friends with the wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, boyfriends and girlfriends of Jeep folk like us.

 With the expansion of our warehouse space from our big red barn


to our new space in an old mill building (seen here)










it gives us the opportunity to greatly expand our Jeep Accessories Product Line.

So far we've added some Jeep Floor Mats from vendors like Lloyd Mats and Mopar. We also have Raingler Netting, products from Cloverpatch, etc. And we have a list of product categories and brands we'd like to bring on. But we'd love to hear from our customers. What other brands or product categories would you like to buy from us. I know our blog is new, we are testing it out, and there's not a wide readership yet, so if YOU are reading this, we want to hear your voice. Take a sec and tell me what products we should carry. We'd appreciate your input. Thank you.

 PS - As to what we are doing with our big red barn. What do you think? We are going to put all the Jeeps in it!

Tags: jeep accessories